- PhD in Meteorology, 2014, the Pennsylvania State University
- MS in Atmospheric Sciences, 2007, Peking University
- BS in Atmospheric Sciences, 2004, Peking University
Research Specialties:
- Boundary Layer and Turbulence:
Turbulence and Dispersion
Boundary Layer Theories and Experiments
Large-Eddy Simulation
Moist convection processes
METEO 273-Introduction to Programming Techniques for Meteorology (Spring 2018, Spring 2020)
METEO 421-Atmospheric Dynamics (Fall 2018)
METEO 554-Atmospheric Turbulence (Spring 2019)
METEO 520-Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (Fall 2019)
Professional Experiences:
2017-present: Assistant Professor, the Pennsylvania State University
2015-2017: Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Center for Atmospheric Research (Advanced Study Program)
2014-2015: Post-Doctoral Scholar, the Pennsylvania State University
Selected Publications:
Wang, A., Y. Pan , and P. M. Markowski (2020), The inuence of turbulence memory on idealized tornado simulations, Mon. Wea. Rev. , 148, 4875-4892, (
Pan, Y. , and E. G. Patton (2020), Determining stationary periods across multiple sensors: An application to observed canopy turbulence response to atmospheric stability, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech. , 37, 665-685, (
Pan, Y., and E. G. Patton (2017), On determining stationary periods within time series, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 34, 2213-2232 (
Pan, Y., and M. Chamecki (2016), A scaling law for the shear-production range of second-order structure functions, J. Fluid Mech., 801, 459–474 (
Pan, Y., M. Chamecki, S. A. Isard, and H. M. Nepf (2015), Dispersion of particles released at the edge of a crop canopy, Agric. For. Meteorol., 211–212, 37–47 (
Pan, Y., E. Follett, M. Chamecki, and H. Nepf (2014), Strong and weak, unsteady reconfiguration and its impact on turbulence structure within plant canopies, Phys. Fluids, 26, 105102 (
Pan, Y., M. Chamecki, and S. A. Isard (2014), Large-eddy simulation of turbulence and particle dispersion inside the canopy roughness sublayer, J. Fluid Mech., 753, 499–534 (