- M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction - The Pennsylvania State University (2006)
- M.S., Meteorology - The Pennsylvania State University (2003)
- B.S., Meteorology with a Minor in Mathematics - The Pennsylvania State University (2003)
Research Specialties:
- Numerical Weather Prediction:
All-Sky Satellite Data Assimilation
- Tropical Meteorology:
Tropical Cyclones
Hartman, C.M., X. Chen, and M.-Y. Chan, 2023: Improving Tropical Cyclogenesis Forecasts of Hurricane Irma (2017) through the Assimilation of All-Sky Infrared Brightness Temperatures. Mon. Weather Rev., 151, 837-859,
Zhang, Y., S.B. Sieron, Y. Lu, X. Chen, R.G. Nystrom, M. Minamide, M.-Y. Chan, C.M. Hartman, Z. Yao, J.H. Ruppert, A. Okazaki, S.J. Greybush, E.E. Clothiaux, F. Zhang, 2021: Ensemble-Based Assimilation of Satellite All-Sky Microwave Radiances Improves Intensity and Rainfall Predictions for Hurricane Harvey (2017). Geophys. Res. Letters., 48, e2021GL096410,
Hartman, C.M., X. Chen, E.E. Clothiaux, and M.-Y. Chan, 2021: Improving the Analysis and Forecast of Hurricane Dorian (2019) with Simultaneous Assimilation of GOES-16 All-Sky Infrared Brightness Temperatures and Tail Doppler Radar Radial Velocities. Mon. Weather Rev., 149, 2193-2212,
Hartman, C.M., and J.Y. Harrington, 2005: Radiative Impacts on the Growth of Drops within Simulated Marine Stratocumulus. Part I: Maximum Solar Heating. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 2323-2338,
Hartman, C.M., and J.Y. Harrington, 2005: Radiative Impacts on the Growth of Drops within Simulated Marine Stratocumulus. Part II: Solar Zenith Angle Variations. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 2339-2351,