Elliot Abrams


THURSDAY, September 18, 2014 NOTE-This event is in 113 IST Building 4 to 5PM

What GR Alumni Meteo Colloquium UG Homepage Tarbell Lecture in Meteorology
When Sep 18, 2014
from 04:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Where 113 IST Building
Contact Name Dave Stensrud
Contact email
Contact Phone 814-863-7714
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TITLE: Prediction is Hazardous When it Relates to the Future

ABSTRACT: Years ago, operational meteorologists (NWS, Weather Industry, Broadcast, etc.) were the gatekeepers of weather information. These professionals received it (data, radar images, satellite pictures, numerical forecasts, and whatever else could be found), interpreted it, then issued forecasts. Other people did not have access to the raw information, and even weather enthusiasts were challenged when trying to totally understand the weather situation.

This has all changed.

A flood of new weather watchers emerged, surrounded by a blizzard of information. In order to make forecasts, they do not need day to day exposure to the sophisticated math and physics that enables researchers to extend our knowledge and capabilities.

So, what will become of operational meteorology? Is it doomed to a slow dissolution into the misty corridors of irrelevancy? Will humans be needed at all in the forecast process? And, we learn that anthropogenic climate change is settled science. Does this mean we no longer need to fund climate change research because everything is settled. The answer is no on both accounts, and we'll talk about why and what this means in the coming minutes.

Elliot Abrams