Technical English Competency Exam Talks

(Penn State, Department of Meteorology)

Talks are open to everyone. Please visit the link to see the schedule of talks.

What Homepage GR
When Mar 02, 2011
from 01:00 pm to 01:45 pm
Where 529 Walker Building
Contact Name Nels Shirer
Contact email
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Technical English Competency Exam Talks will be held  from 1:00-1:45 PM on Wednesday, March 2, in the Blackadar Reading Room, 529 Walker. The schedule is given below. Each of you is invited to attend.

Technical English Competency Exam Talks
Wednesday March 2, 2011
1:00 PM -- 1:45 PM
Blackadar Reading Room
529 Walker Building

Schedule of Talks

1:00 to 1:15:  Yinghui Lu, "Daytime Arctic Cloud Detection Using Multi-Angle Satellite Data"

1:15 to 1:30:  Ryan Hastings, "Preliminary Investigations of the Mergers of Supercells"

1:30 to 1:45:  Anders Jensen, "Ascension Island Ozonesonde Classification Using Self-Organizing Maps"