Jim Hansen

(Naval Research Laboratory/Marine Meteorology Division)

The science and purpose the Naval Research Laboratory’s Marine Meteorology Division

When Jan 27, 2021
from 03:30 pm to 04:30 pm
Where To be held via Zoom, see below for links
Contact Name Steven Feldstein
Contact email
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Jim Hansen NRL

This talk was presented as a Zoom Webinar and was recorded. You can view it HERE

In this talk I will introduce the Naval Research Laboratory and some of the activities of the Marine Meteorology Division in Monterey, California.  A broad overview of the Division’s niche in the US meteorological community will be provided along with our broad direction and some of the modeling systems and tools we use.  Deeper dives will be provided into i) long range prediction via the atmosphere/ocean/land/ice/wave Earth System Prediction Capability, ii) next-generation numerical weather prediction technology to take advantage of exoscale computing, iii) the US Navy’s regional prediction system for small-scale forecasts and tropical cyclone forecasts, iv) our unique program in aerosols and radiation, and v) some projects where atmospheric forecasts are incorporated in decision guidance system.  The talk will wrap up with a description of opportunities at NRL for students, postdocs, federal service.