Tanya Brown-Giammanco

(Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS))

IBHS Research: a Multi-Faceted Approach to Natural Hazard Damage

When Dec 02, 2020
from 03:30 pm to 04:30 pm
Where To be held via Zoom, see below for links
Contact Name Matt Kumjian
Contact email
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Tanya Brown-Giammanco IBHS

IBHS Research: a Multi-Faceted Approach to Natural Hazard Damage

This talk was recorded and you can view it HERE

The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety is a non-profit organization founded and funded by insurance and reinsurance companies and risk modelers. Its state-of-the-art full-scale natural hazards testing facility opened in 2010 and is capable of subjecting buildings to wind, rain, fire and hail testing. This testing helps to improve building materials and construction practices, to reduce the costs and human and societal impacts of natural disasters. This presentation will provide an overview of IBHS and its Research Center, and provide a deep dive into the ground-breaking hail research that has been conducted to quantify hailstone material properties and shapes, recreate realistic hailstone characteristics in the laboratory, and develop a new test method to assess the hail performance of building materials.

Webinar link: https://psu.zoom.us/j/91602215976?pwd=UkpzZ01pTWgvUnhXdWJrcUZsbzBtZz09