Meteo 482 - Weather Communications II -- Industrial Section

Instructor: Bill SyrettT,R 9:45-11:00

Goal: To create an interdisciplinary environment where the learners will gain skills in communication and investigation related to applications in the non-science world 

Specifics:  You will develop a TOOL that industry can use, and in fact will want to use, to make money.  You must:

  1. know your target’s business
  2. know the science of meteorology
  3. prove to the business that your product is unique
  4. support yourselves on the money you’ll get paid for this tool
  5. convince your target audience they will make more money if they pay you for your product



  1. peer presentations
  2. report writing
  3. effective teamwork


  1. literature search
  2. internet exploration
  3. adaptation

Outcomes of Assignment (150 points, * denotes group grade):

  1. logical index development (*)
  2. well-written, logically organized report with references (*)
  3. intelligent and confident oral presentation of plan with readily understandable graphics for a non-scientific audience
  4. relatively equal and fair division of labor among group members

Teaching Outline (Industrial Section Only)

  • Class 1:   

Discussion of weather indices, development. In-class assignment. Industry profile handout, homework. Group formation begins.

  • Class 2:

Guest speaker (if available). Groups formed by the weekend.

  • Class 3:  

Homework due.  Specialty index development. Break-out session.

  • Class 4:   

Progress reports, report outlines due, work on detailed outlines.

  • Class 5:

Draft report due.

  • Class 6:   

Break-out session: draft comments from instructor. Final organization of reports and presentations.

  • Class 7:

Final written business report due. Model presentations to business

            Executives (oral report), including examples of use. Self and group assessment. 

Grading (Industrial Only)

  • 40 points (40%) Final Written Report (Group)
  • 30 points (30%) Oral Presentation (Individual)
  • 15 points (15%) Evaluations (Individual)
  • 15 points (15%) Homework (Individual)