General Option (27-29 Credits)

The General option has sufficient flexibility to serve the needs of students who wish to pursue topics chosen broadly from sub-disciplines of meteorology or from related areas. The General option is appropriate both for students who intend to pursue postgraduate degrees and for students who want to emphasize a topic for which no option exists.

Take the following six credits:

Physical Meteorology Requirement

  • Three credits from METEO 436 (Radiation and Climate), METEO 437 (Atmospheric Chemistry and Cloud Physics), or METEO 454 (Introduction to Micrometeorology)

Meteorological Data Analysis Requirement

  • Three credits from either METEO 473 (Application of Computers to Meteorology) or METEO 474 (Computer Methods of Meteorological Analysis and Forecasting) (3 credits)

In consultation with an academic advisor:

Select 21-23 additional credits from 400-level METEO courses and/or 300- or 400-level courses from the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Earth and Mineral Sciences, Engineering, and/or Science (some 200-level courses may be acceptable with approval of advisor).  The courses below are Meteorology electives.

  • METEO 412 Synoptic Applications of Dynamic Meteorology (3)

  • METEO 413 Map Analysis (3)

  • METEO 414 Mesoscale Meteorology (4)

  • METEO 415 Forecasting Practicum (3)

  • METEO 416 Advanced Forecasting (3)

  • METEO 418W Topics in Mesoscale Meteorology (3)

  • METEO 419 Air-Quality Forecasting (3)

  • METEO 422 Dynamic Meteorology II (3)

  • METEO 434 Radar Meteorology (3)

  • METEO 436 Radiation and Climate* (3)

  • METEO 437 Atmospheric Chemistry and Cloud Physics* (3)

  • METEO 451 Elements of Physical Oceanography (3)

  • METEO 452 Tropical Meteorology (3)

  • METEO 454 Micrometeorology* (3)

  • METEO 455 Atmospheric Dispersion (3)

  • METEO 465 Middle Atmosphere Meteorology (3)

  • METEO 466 Planetary Atmospheres (3)

  • METEO 471W Observing Meteorological Phenomena (3)

  • METEO 473 Application of Computers to Meteorology* (3)

  • METEO 474 Computer Methods of Meteorological Analysis and Forecasting* (3)

  • EE/METEO 477 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Systems (3)

  • METEO 480W Undergraduate Research (3)

  • METEO 481 Weather Communications I (taken in junior year) (3)

  • METEO 482 Weather Communications II (taken in junior year) (3)

  • METEO 483 Weather Communications III (3)

  • METEO 484 Weather Communications Apprenticeship (3)

  • METEO 485 National Weather Service Operations (2-3)

  • METEO 486 Climate Studies (1-2)

  • Meteo 495A, B, C, D, E, Internship (6 credits maximum)


*If not used to satisfy the six-credit requirement