"It’s not just the data that’s important," Fuqing Zhang, professor of meteorology and director of ADAPT said. "It’s how we design very sophisticated numerical mathematical algorithms to ingest that satellite data into the model. This is really our expertise and our pride. Our team is the first to be able to effectively take in this high resolution satellite data and prove it can be useful in real-case scenarios."
For John Harlim, professor of mathematics and meteorology at Penn State and an Institute for CyberScience (ICS) co-hire, it is similar to reviewing his last decade of research.
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Penn State Alumni Association will recognize 14 graduates on Oct. 3 with the lifelong title of Alumni Fellow, the highest award given by the Alumni Association.
A particular focus of the program is on understanding the impact of human activities on climate and understanding and predicting natural climate variation.
Inaccuracies in boundary layer assessment lead to significant errors in forecasts, said John Banghoff, graduate student in meteorology, Penn State.