Grad Talk
"Developing a Numerical Weather Prediction Ensemble Configuration for Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Forecasting"
Grad Talk
"Developing a Numerical Weather Prediction Ensemble Configuration for Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Forecasting"
Grad Talk
"Quantifying Forest Fire Enhancement of the Free Tropospheric Ozone Column During the IONS-04, IONS-06, and ARC-IONS Campaigns"
Grad Talk
"The Influence of Climate State Variables on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity"
Thesis Defense Event
Use of radar Doppler spectra in Arctic mixed-phase cloud studies
Thesis Defense Event
"Identifying, Tracking, and Evaluating Mechanisms of North American Cold Air Outbreaks (CAOs) Using a Lagrangian Approach"
Thesis Defense Event
"Evolution of Monthly Mean Convective Boundary Layer Depths over the United States Detected from WSR-88D Radar Observations"
Grad Talk
"Assimilating IMPACTS Data For 7 Feb 2020 Storm To Improve WRF Winter Cyclone Prediction"
Thesis Defense Event
Investigating Convective Boundary Layer Depth and Entrainment Zone Properties Using Dual-Pol Radar Observations
Thesis Defense Event
"An Observational Study of Southern Hemisphere Poleward Moving Radar Auroral Forms Using 2021 SuperDARN Data "
Grad Talk
"Convection Initiation over Coastal Regions: Supporting Environment and Physical Causes over Coastal Texas"
Thesis Defense Event
Landfalling Tropical Cyclones in High-Resolution Climate Models: Directly Simulated vs. Statistically-Dynamically Downscaled
Grad Talk
"Wind-driven sea surface cooling trend in the subpolar North Atlantic: diabatic forcing and adiabatic adjustment"
Thesis Defense Event
"Assessing the relative importance of Saharan dust, biomass burning, and urban emissions on PM2.5 in West African cities: An observational and WRF-Chem modeling study"
Thesis Defense Event
"Impact of Microphysical Parametrizations on Satellite All-Sky Infrared Data Assimilation and Practical Predictability of Hurricane Harvey"
Grad Talk
"Analyzing Waves and perturbations near Venus and in the solar wind with novel methods"
Thesis Defense Event
"Simulating Complex CO2 Background Conditions for Indianapolis, IN with a Simple Ecosystem CO2 Flux Model"
Thesis Defense Event
"Improving Tropical Cyclone Forecasts from Formation to Maturity Using Ensemble-based Data Assimilation"
Grad Talk
"All-sky Satellite Data Assimilation in Tropical Cyclone Analyses and Predictions"
Thesis Defense Event
Simultaneous Assimilation of Dual-Polarization Radar and All-Sky Satellite Observations to Improve Convection Forecasts
Grad Talk
"Investigating intraseasonal summertime United States precipitation variability using backwards moisture tracking"